
Senin, 11 November 2013

Download Game Mini Hangaroo

Menurut gue game ini cukup menarik. Kita ditantang untuk menebak sebuah kalimat dan diberi kata kuncinya. Game ini hanya memberikan kita 4 kali kesempatan gagal untuk memilih salah satu alfabet yang tersedia. Kalau udah empat, kanggurunya digantung deh, terus mati, nanti malaikatnya muncul tapi ekspresinya kesel. Hangaroo termasuk game klasik. Walaupun begitu, masih banyak peminatnya karena game ini dapat mengasah otak kita. Dulu waktu SMP banyak temen-temen gue yang suka sama game ini, termasuk gue. Tapi gue sih lebih suka game The Sims 3 dan GTA IV.

Download Mini Game Cat vs Dog

Cat vs Dog adalah sebuah game mini dimana seekor kucing berperang dengan seekor anjing dengan senjatanya masing-masing. Si kucing yang bernama Fleabag menggunakan tulang ikan dan kaleng bekas untuk menyerang anjing. Dan anjing rumah yang bernama Mutt menggunakan tulang untuk menyerang kucing. Menurut gue permainan ini cukup menarik, walaupun ga semenarik game The Sims 4 dan GTA V.

Download PowerPoint Eksponen dan Logaritma

Waktu beberapa minggu yang lalu, atau mungkin satu bulan yang lalu, kelas gue disuruh sama ibu Masfufah untuk mempersentasikan materi tentang Eksponen dan Logaritma. Dan ini dia hasil persentasi power point gue.

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Tenses Table

Nih coy, gue kasih lo tabel tenses biar gampang ngapalnya. Tabel tenses ini lengkap kok, dilengkapi contoh kalimat, kegunaan, dan ada signal wordsnya. Pokoknya kalau lo liat tabel ini dijamin deh kekuatan tenses lo bakal mantep! wqwq

Oh iya, biar jelas ngeliatnya. Arahin cursor ke gambar, lo klik kanan, terus klik 'open link in new tab' okeeyy.

Semoga bermanfaat!

Description : The Empire State Building

Gue dikasih tugas sama guru bahasa Inggris gue buat mendeskripsikan The Empire State Building. Hari rabu nanti gue akan persentasi. Nih gue kasih tau bahan persentasinya
Gue sama kelompok gue ngejelasin apa itu Empire State Building, gue harus ngapalin tentang deskripsinya, dan temen gue yang lain tentang sejarahnya dll. Gue cuma butuh waktu 1 malem kok buat ngapalinnya, keren kan? wqwq.

The Empire State Building is a 102-story skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. It has a roof height of 1,250 feet (381 meters), and with its antenna spire included, it stands a total of 1,454 ft (443.2 m) high.[6] Its name is derived from the nickname for New York, the Empire State.
The Empire State Building also features in many films, most notably the classic film 'King Kong' from 1933. Even today, though the building has been stripped from its title of the world's tallest building, it is a symbol of New York itself, visited by more than three million people each year.


On this day in 1931, President Herbert Hoover officially dedicates New York City's Empire State Building, pressing a button from the White House that turns on the building's lights. Hoover's gesture, of course, was symbolic; while the president remained in Washington, D.C., someone else flicked the switches in New York.
The idea for the Empire State Building is said to have been born of a competition between Walter Chrysler of the Chrysler Corporation and John Jakob Raskob of General Motors, to see who could erect the taller building. Chrysler had already begun work on the famous Chrysler Building, the gleaming 1,046-foot skyscraper in midtown Manhattan. Not to be bested, Raskob assembled a group of well-known investors, including former New York Governor Alfred E. Smith. The group chose the architecture firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon Associates to design the building. The Art-Deco plans, said to have been based in large part on the look of a pencil, were also builder-friendly: The entire building went up in just over a year, under budget (at $40 million) and well ahead of schedule. During certain periods of building, the frame grew an astonishing four-and-a-half stories a week.
At the time of its completion, the Empire State Building, at 102 stories and 1,250 feet high (1,454 feet to the top of the lightning rod), was the world's tallest skyscraper. The Depression-era construction employed as many as 3,400 workers on any single day, most of whom received an excellent pay rate, especially given the economic conditions of the time. The new building imbued New York City with a deep sense of pride, desperately needed in the depths of the Great Depression, when many city residents were unemployed and prospects looked bleak. The grip of the Depression on New York's economy was still evident a year later, however, when only 25 percent of the Empire State's offices had been rented.
In 1972, the Empire State Building lost its title as world's tallest building to New York's World Trade Center, which itself was the tallest skyscraper for but a year. Today the honor belongs to Dubai’s Burj Khalifa tower, which soars 2,717 feet into the sky.

Construction of the building started on March 17, 1930, with the erection of two-hundred and ten steel columns, twelve of which would run the entire height of the building. The construction firm of Starrett Bros. & Eken put together a tight schedule. The sooner the building opened, the sooner the owners could start making money by collecting rents from tenants. The builders used many innovative ideas to speed construction, like a chute that allowed bricks to be dumped directly into the basement where they could be dropped into carts as needed and hoisted up to the floor where the work was being done. This kept the surrounding streets clear of mountains of bricks waiting to be used as well as eliminating the back breaking job of moving bricks around the site by wheelbarrow.
It took 7 million man hours to complete the 365,000 ton structure. The framework rose at a rate of 4 ½ stories per week. During the course of construction, 3,400 workers practicing sixty trades were involved. Workers used 57,000 tons of steel in the framework and installed 6,500 windows. If somebody decided to walk up he would have to climb the 1,860 steps that were put in position to reach the 102nd floor.
The job was completed in just one year and forty-five days for $40,948,900. It finished on time and for almost $10 million less than expected (mainly because of depressed labor costs caused by the Great Depression of the 1930's). The Empire State Building officially opened on May 1, 1931, with President Herbert Hoover lighting up the tower remotely from Washington, D.C. .
When the building was completed it was the tallest building in the world and the tallest man-made structure of any type. It lost the title of tallest man-made structure in 1953 when the Griffin Television Tower in Oklahoma was completed. It remained the tallest free-standing structure in the world until 1967 when it was surpassed by the Ostankino Tower.

Observation decks

The Empire State Building has one of the most popular outdoor observatories in the world, having been visited by over 110 million people. The 86th-floor observation deck offers impressive 360-degree views of the city. There is a second observation deck on the 102nd floor that is open to the public. It was closed in 1999, but reopened in November 2005. It is completely enclosed and much smaller than the first one; it may be closed on high-traffic days. Tourists may pay to visit the observation deck on the 86th floor and an additional amount for the 102nd floor.[68] The lines to enter the observation decks, according to, are "as legendary as the building itself:" there are five of them: the sidewalk line, the lobby elevator line, the ticket purchase line, the second elevator line, and the line to get off the elevator and onto the observation deck.[69] For an extra fee tourists can skip to the front of the line.[68] The Empire State Building makes more money from tickets sales for its observation decks that it does from renting office space.[70]
The skyscraper's observation deck plays host to several cinematic, television, and literary classics including, An Affair To Remember, On the Town, Love Affair and Sleepless in Seattle. In the Latin American literary work Empire of Dreams by Giannina Braschi the observation deck is the site of a pastoral revolution; shepherds take over the City of New York. The deck was also the site of a publicity-stunt Martian invasion in an episode of I Love Lucy ("Lucy Is Envious", season 3, episode 25).

Minggu, 10 November 2013

Cara Membuat Wajah Mulus

Percaya gak kalau jeruk nipis bisa mutihin wajah? Harus percaya lah. Jeruk nipis mengandung vitamin C dan antibakteri, sehingga bisa mencerahkan wajah, mengatasi wajah berminyak, dan menghilangkan jerawat. Gue sendiri pernah nyoba sekali. Tapi gue ga mau ngelakuin itu lagi, karena perih di wajah.

Karena jeruk nipis itu asam, jadi agak perih di wajah, apalagi kalau kena mata, beeh rasanya sesuatu banget. Walaupun begitu, jeruk nipis emang berkhasiat buat mutihin wajah. Banyak kan produk-produk kecantikan yang make bahan dasar jeruk nipis? Tapi gue saranin lo pake jeruk nipisnya langsung.

Cara mengaplikasikan jeruk nipis ke wajah itu gampaang banget. Lo tinggal potong jeruk nipisnya, cuci bersih, terus peres-peresin potongan jeruk nipisnya keseluruh wajah lo.

Kalau mau lebih manjur lagi, lo bisa tambahin madu. Madu itu bisa melembabkan wajah kita. Jeruk nipis+madu, dijamin muka lo bakalan mulus, putih! Rajin-rajin makenya, minimal seminggu sekali,  gue jamin 4 bulan kemudian muka lo mulus! Ga perlu perawatan, mahal!

Udah yah itu aja yang, gue baru belajar nulis jadi tulisannya belepotan deh. Byee

Kesalahan Dalam Menulis

Hai guys, gue kebelet mau curhat nih. Barusan gue buka situs dan gue download ebook yang judulnya 12 Kesalahan Fatal Penulis Pemula Novel. Sumpah yah, isi ebook itu bener-bener mirip kayak yang gue alami. Nih gue ceritain yah sebagian isi dari ebook itu.

Menurut Agusmita, kesalahan utama seorang penulis pemula ada 12 kesalahan, yaitu:

#1 Belum membangun kebiasaan
Menurut Agusmita, luangkanlah waktu untuk menulis. Manfaatkan waktu sebaik mungkin, dan KONSISTEN. Kalo mau sukses menulis, jangan setengah-setengah dong. Kita harus memperlakukan kegiatan menulis itu sebagai sesuatu yang berharga.

#2 Menunggu sampai tahu segalanya
Kita selalu menunda untuk menulis dengan alasan belum cukup mengetahui dasar-dasar membuat karya tulis yang baik dan benar. Belajar menulis itu bukan seperti pelajaran di kelas. Tapi, learning by doing. Pelajaran terbaik berasal dari kesalahan yang lo buat. So, just do it! Jangan biarkan keterbatasan pengetahuan menghentikan langkah lo!

#3 Tidak cukup percaya diri
Nah, ini nih yang lagi gue alami. Gue ini emang udah dari lahir kurang percaya diri. Gue gatau kenapa gue kayak gini. Tapi, sekarang gue sedang menuju proses perubahan. Menurut Agusmita, sering kita bergulat dengan perasaan kita sendiri. Kita merasa belum punya banyak bekal
menjalani dunia penulisan. Dan, akibatnya kita sama sekali tak pernah memiliki karya tulis. Ada yang menyebut problem ini sebagai bagian dari rasa rendah diri. Lo
merasa belum cukup bagus, merasa belum cukup siap, dan malu jika ada
orang lain yang melihat apa yang lo lakukan. Jangan biarkan ini terjadi pada anda!!
PD aja lah, nulis sesuka lo. Walaupun tulisan lo juelek, tetep semangat. Tekunin pekerjaan lo ini, lama-lama kebiasaan, dan akhirnya kualitas tulisan lo bagus deh.

#4 Tidak menjadikannya prioritas
"Barangkali dunia penulisan hanya menjadi prioritas anda yang nomor sekian"
Yups, ini emang bener. Gue emang ga menjadikan menulis sebagai prioritas utama. Tapi, gue akan mencoba untuk meluangkan waktu gue tiap hari untuk menulis. Katanya "Cara menjadikan menulis sebagai prioritas adalah dengan memanfaatkan waktu BETUL-BETUL ditujukan untuk mencapai hasil."

#5 Rajin mendalami tanpa berbuat apapun
Naah, kadang-kadang gue ngelakuin ini nih. Biasanya orang-orang yang baru mulai belajar menulis suka mencari panduan menulis. Kita bacaaaa terus panduannya, kita nonton video tentang cara menulis, sebenernya ini buang-buang waktu. Baca boleh lah, tapi jangan sampe waktu lo kebuang. Menulis itu butuh ACTION!

Udah ah gitu aja, pegel gue ngetiknya. Kalau lo mau baca ebooknya, download lah. Gatau linknya? Cari lah. Males nyarinya? Gue juga males, ngasih taunya wqwqwq

Cara Belajar yang Benar Supaya Tidak Gampang Lupa

Hai, kali ini gue akan ngasih tau kalian gimana caranya belajar yang bener supaya gak gampang lupa.

Biasanya kan kita kalau udah belajar, baca buku semaleman, terus besoknya pasti lupa. Apa lagi kalo belajar biologi, banyak istilah-istilah yang ruet buat diapalin. Beberapa jam yang lalu, gue baca artikel yang isinya tentang cara belajar efektif. Menurut gue artikel itu bagus, dan berhasil buat gue. Gini nih caranya:

Pertama, baca dulu buku yang mau lo pelajarin. Udah dibaca, pasti lo udah agak ngerti kan sama isi buku itu. Terus lo inget-inget lagi hal-hal yang ada dibuku itu tanpa harus ngeliat buku.

Kedua, buka bukunya lagi. Lo baca buku itu dengan suara lantang, anggap lo itu jadi guru. Lo ngejelasin isi buku itu pake bahasa lo sendiri. Kalo ada yang lupa, liat buku terus catet yang lo lupain itu, dan hapalin yang lo catet itu, jelasin lagi secara berulang-ulang.

Ketiga, tutup buku lo. Anggap lo jadi guru lagi. Jelasin isi buku itu tanpa ngeliat ke buku.

Sumpah itu berhasil banget buat gue. Tadi gue abis belajar tentang cyanophyta pake cara yang diatas. Sekali belajar gue udah lumayan hapal isi materinya.